Thursday, November 26, 2009

2009 Film Project

The Idea: I am attempting to write and direct a short film somewhere between 2 and 5 minutes long. My main goal for this project is to emulate some of the cinematography and acting of films from the era of James Dean and Alfred Hitchcock. The Idea was originally sparked from my interest in how acting has changed over the years and curiosity about directing and editing a film. Currently I am in full swing with the project and spending numerous hours watching anything I think would be helpful and brainstorming a script. When this plan comes to fruition, which it will.... I'm hoping to have some sort of evidence that the film industry and actors have changed over the years, and that it isn't a figment of my imagination wanting to believe that things were much better back then. All in good time I guess...

Breath of life into Fixed Photography

Everything has been deleted. A temporary layout has been thrown together. Back on track with Fixed Photography. Expect More