Monday, March 1, 2010


Last time I pointed out that I was planning on taking more time for my hobbies and interests. I'm not completely there yet but I've at least begun to bridge the surface... Architecture has just recently become a fascination of mine and so I headed to the library to check out some literature to start me off in the right direction. The Architecture of Happiness by Alaine De Botton was one of the most recommended, and thats what I've been reading. Slowly progressing through the book I have already gathered a wealth of knowledge about the history of architecture and how it came to be a art and career. I can notice my self more than ever comparing buildings and houses to one another and picking out similarities between current and past design. It's interesting to view objects that are all around us with such a different eye then I did a few weeks ago and it has definitely sparked my imagination to create designs of my own. But first, I need to learn how to draw much better and create perception so it all doesn't come out flat. Once I produce something appealing I'll throw is up on here. Also, I have still been taking photos with masks but yet to develop any of them... I'm sure this blog will see them the minute I have some prints.